Marina Strocchi was born in Melbourne in 1961. She spent her formative years studying and exploring her artistic pathway in Melbourne’s explosive art and live music scene. At a time when the city was a buzz of experimental and exciting artists. It was during this time that she became closely involved in Roar Studios, one of the first artist run collectives to be established in Australia. Even though Strocchi had a formal education at Swinburne Technical College it was Roar Studio that gave her life training in being a painter. 


In 1992 Strocchi moved to the Northern Territory and established the Ikuntji Art Centre at Haasts Bluff and has been extensively involved in arts programs across Central Desert communities for three decades. 


Strocchi’s acrylic paintings and sketches are intimate immersions into a country in which different travels, lived and imagined, erge into a new, playful and vibrant works. Her imagery of the land holds a feminine form with a paired back colour palette, that have a beautiful rhythm and pattern.   


“Perspective is ignored in favour of a newly invented rhythmic recording of signs, symbols, and hieroglyphs or just doodles. Designs and ideograms present in this fresh iconographic repertory are derived from a wide range of sources. They are juxtaposed in rows and grid-like patterns, enhancing their map-like quality.” Georges Petitjean, A Survey; Marina Strocchi. 


Strocchi has exhibited her work widely in Australia and internationally. Her works are held in many public and private collections both nationally and internationally.