Atkinson, Fran; “Desert Dreams”, The Age, June 18 2005
“Australia's most collectable artists”, Art Collector Issue 43, 2008
“Australia's most collectable artists”, Art Collector Issue 39, 2007
“Australia's most collectable artists’, Art Collector Issue 35, 2006
Barclay, Alison; “How Daisy blossomed for Strocchi’ Herald Sun, January 26 2005
Cosic, Miriam; “Fabric of the desert revealed in new creative form”, The Australian, 5 January 2009 Finnane, Kieran; “An artist’s New York”, Alice Springs News, #1, 11 January 2021
Finnane, Kieran; “Artist found voice in “melting pot” of the centre”, Alice Springs News, 5 March


Finnane, Kieran; “Desert Aboriginal art centres adapt to the pandemic”, Artlink, 14 May 2020

18 January 2023

Finnane, Kieran; “Baskets and Boats”, Alice Springs News, 27 November 2002
Finnane, Kieran; “Large format to catalogue bush”, Alice Springs News, 2002
Finnane, Kieran; “What we see in our Country: Yarrenyty Arltere 20 years on”. Alice Springs News, Vol 25. #24, 25 May 2020
Green, Felicity; TogArt Contemporary Art Award (NT), 2007
Grishin, Sasha; “A culture absorbed by osmosis”, The Canberra Times, 12 December 2008 Hampton, Jane; “Smart Art”, Art Collector, Issue 41, 2007
Izett, Erica; “Sitting down with Indigenous artists”, Artlink, Vol 25 # 2, 2005
Jan Murphy Gallery, 2005 – 10 years Catalogue, 2005
Johnson, Vivien; The Lives of the Papunya Tula Artists, IAD Press, 2008
Kean, John; “Marina Strocchi: A Survey 1992 – 2014”, Artlink, Vol 35 #2, 2015
La, Khadija; “Breaking with Tradition”, Artlink Vol 31, #2, 2011
Makin, Jeff; “Critic's Choice”, Herald Sun, April 2003
Makin, Jeff, “Critic's Choice”, Herald Sun, May 2001
“Marina finds use for clutter in art”, Centralian Advocate April 24, 2002
“Marina Strocchi”, Artist Profile, April 2022
“Marina Strocchi”, Art Almanac, 20 January 2021

McDonald, John; “When losers are winners”, Sydney Morning Herald, 14 March 2009 McDonald, John; “Future Dreaming”, Qantas, December 2005
McDonald, John; Studio Australian Painters on the nature of Creativity, R. Ian Lloyd Productions,

McGregor, Ken; William Creek and Beyond: Australian Artists Explore the Outback, Craftsman

House, Sydney, 2002

McKenzie, Janet; “Marina Strocchi – interview: ‘I quit regular employed work to focus on my own, although I still did workshops in the bush”, Studio International, 8 November 2022
McNeill, Sarah; “Salute to the art from the Red Centre”, Fremantle Post, 2 March 2019
Murdoch, Anna King; “Pictures of hope from the desert”, The Age, 14 February 1998

Murray, Daena; “History in the Making”, Art Monthly, #195, November 2006
Murray, Daena; Hot Springs: The Northern Territory and Contemporary Australian Artists, Museum

Gallery of the Northern Territory, 2012

Murray, Daena; The Sound of the Sky, Museum and Gallery of the Northern Territory (Charles Darwin

University Press), 2006

“New York, New Work by Marina Strocchi”, ABC Alice Springs Broadcast, 19 November 2020

Petijean, Georges; “Los van Traditie’ Cobra en Aboriginal kunst”, AAMU Snoeck, 2010
Rencontres internationals des arts graphique de Chaumont, Exhibition Catalogue, 1993 “Resident Artists”, Resident Magazine, Issue 1, May-Oct 2005
Robertson, Christine Clare; “Raising the Rafter”, Australian Art Review #1, 2003
Rothnie, Susan; “New Works by Marina Strocchi”, Art Collector, Issue 27, 2004
Rothwell, Nicolas; “Meeting of Many Norths in the Northern Territory”, The Australian, 7 February

Rothwell, Nicolas; “Bridge between two worlds”, The Australian, 18-19 April 2009 Rothwell, Nicolas; “Decade of Sunshine and Tears”, The Australian, 28 November 2006

18 January 2023

Sleath, Emma; “Artist couple Marina Strocchi and Wayne Eager exhibit at historic house in Alice Springs”,

ABC Alice Springs Online, 2 July 2015
Sleath, Emma; “Painters Marina Strocchi and Wayne eager have launched a joint exhibition at the heritage-listed Residency building”, ABC, Audio recording
Stevens, Rhiannon; “The last of the “big story” painters: The arts centre fostering the next generation of
Indigenous arti sts”, ABC News, 12 November 2018
Strocchi, Marina; Marina Strocchi – A Survey, 2015
“Tennant Triptych wins at award” Tennant and Weekly Times August 10 2001
“Tennant theme for art winner” Tennant Telegraph August 10 2001
TogArt Contemporary Art Award (NT), 2006
West, Margie; Strings through the heart: the proliferation of coiling across Australia, Craft Australia,