Christophe Stibio

Christophe Stibio is a French Australian multi media artist. Stibiio’s diverse visual arts education is a testament to his multiplexing artistic style, a traditional Masters in fine Arts in his home country of Bordeaux, to traditional Chinese landscape, line and calligraphy drawing at the National Academy of Fine Arts, Hangzhou, China. Stibio’s multilayered Australian landscapes are utterly sophisticated in their construct. Utilising his varied tuition, Stibio employs Chinese rice-paper mounted on cotton duck fabric with natural pigments and applied materials. Lines constitute one of the most important components in Stibio’s compositions, as they serve to express the land, including its spiritual aspects. His paintings are vibrant with colour but minimal with pallet, Stibio chooses to remove colour. Usually one shade for space and another for line and form.

The way to look at Stibio’s work is not to see it as depicting or portraying something in front of the artist, but as reaction or response to whats seen. Stibio wants to take you back to the landscape. To ask what it is you actually see. To question the relationship between nature and humans. To look at land in the context of time and culture as well as experience, something akin to nature: disharmonious, unpredictable, yet fragile and intimate. 

He has held a number of solo exhibitions through-out Australia and is held in public and private collections both locally and internationally.